Friday, 31 August 2012

I think of my studio as a vegetable garden

What would August Bank Holiday be without rain? On the way back from a soggy camping trip in Derbyshire we stopped of at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Since my first visit a year ago, it's been a joy to revisit and a place of inspiration and contemplation. This time it was to see the Miro exhibition. The ideas behind his creative process were most inspiring and the development of his work from two dimensions to three. His descriptions of creating three dimensional collages appealed to me as a collage artist and set of sparks in my imagination.

"I think of my studio as a vegetable garden. Here, there are artichokes. Over there, potatoes. The leaves have to be cut so the vegetables can grow. At a certain moment, you must prune. I work like a gardener or a wine grower. Everything takes time. My vocabulary of forms, for example, did not come to me all at once. It formulated itself almost in spite of me. Things follow their natural course. They grow, they ripen. You have to graft. You have to water, as you do for lettuce. Things ripen in my mind. In addition, I always work on a great many things at once. And even in different areas: painting, etching, lithography, sculpture, ceramics."

Miro interview with Yvon Taillandier 'I work like a gardener' in XXe Siecle Paris 1959


Introverted Art said...

This is an amazing photo Helen. And to think of you studio as a vegetable brings me the thought that it is something that feeds you, that grows, that provides nutrition.

Helen Hallows said...

Thanks for that comment. Your words are insightful. The day I realised that my creativity needed nurturing and feeding daily and I couldn't starve it was the day I accepted myself for who I am. x

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