Thursday 24 February 2011

Art heist

I've just been filling out a questionnaire for someone who is going to feature me on their blog (I'll let you know when I've been posted!).  What work of art would I steal from a gallery? This one, 'Femme nue allongee' by Picasso.  Such a langourous woman, and I love the collage.


Anonymous said...

You really can't profile anybody by sending a set of pre-constructed questions.
To produce anything decent you have to go and see someone face to face, in their own surroundings and just talk, not interview, then you find there is something to say.
That said, great Picasso. She is so confident and comfortable, looks as if she is on her mobile and just got a great text from her lover

Helen Hallows said...

You're more than welcome to come and visit! I'm not too sure about being honest about the realities of my life and creativity. I quite like hiding here, creating illusions!

Mangle Prints said...

I would like to thank Helen for giving me the opportunity to have a little voice and the space on her blog to maybe "highlight" a little of what i do and produce. It's always lovely to meet other artists face to face of course, but the realities of life (especially for working mothers) means that this is not always possible. So for me, having a conversation via e-mail or on a blog, has been the only way to meet new artists and people i would have never have met otherwise (from all over the world!)

Best wishes-Amanda

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